Tips For Boosting Your Environmental Health
As the world embraces a new decade in 2020, now is a great time to reinvest in New Year health resolutions. A healthy lifestyle, however, means more than eating right and exercising. The surrounding environment can have a major impact on one’s well-being. This makes re-evaluating the environmental conditions of your facility crucial for supporting the health of your occupants. With this in mind, we’ve gathered our favorite tips to improving the environmental wellness of your building.
Ditch the toxins
Switching to green cleaning products has been touted for its numerous benefits to the environment, but these eco-friendly alternatives prove equally beneficial for your health. Conventional cleaning agents can leave behind hazardous residue on surfaces and in the air, irritating the lungs and skin. Some also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), linked with a host of health problems like damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. One recent study found that air pollution produced from these products are beginning to rival cars. When swapping products, looks for certifications by third-party organizations like Green Seal, EcoLogo, Safer Choice and GREENGUARD, to ensure effectiveness. You can also use these alternative healthier products at home.
Fight the flu
With the rise of new viruses like the recently discovered Coronavirus, more environmentally holistic approaches are needed to protect shared working spaces. Focus on disinfecting surfaces in high-traffic areas to quickly kill both cold and flu viruses. The next-generation of EPA-approved disinfectants can accomplish this with fewer toxic ingredients like accelerated hydrogen peroxide. In addition, HEPA vacuums help streamline this process, successfully providing major antiviral protection that’s capable of removing nearly 98 percent of flu virus particles.
Boost air quality
The EPA estimates that average Americans spend nearly 93 percent of their time indoors. Poor indoor air quality is connected to serious health concerns, from respiratory issues like asthma and allergies, to more chronic conditions like sick building syndrome—associated with persistent headaches, skin rashes and fatigue. For optimum air circulation, maintain your HVAC system consistently, and replace your A/C filters regularly. Not doing this can lead to increased dust, because dirty A/C filters can only hold so much dust. In addition, simple tweaks like installing floor mats at entrances to absorb pollutants, to adding the right air-purifying plants, can significantly improve indoor conditions.