Office 2.0: Redesigning spaces for COVID-19 sanitation and health

The Office in 2021 Redesigning spaces for sanitation and health The COVID-19 pandemic has forever transformed the way we look at the office, as the outbreak revealed our facilities’ major vulnerability to pathogens. In light of this, design and health [...]

By |2024-05-10T19:14:55+00:00December 17, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Office 2.0: Redesigning spaces for COVID-19 sanitation and health

Sustainability by the Numbers

Sustainability by the Numbers New survey outlines trends in green cleaning initiatives Sustainability programs are making major strides in the cleaning industry, according to the new tenth annual Clean Link Reader Survey. The report questioned custodial executives in diverse fields, including [...]

By |2017-08-24T22:15:37+00:00August 24, 2017|Green and Sustainable, Newsletters|Comments Off on Sustainability by the Numbers

Creating Wellness at Work

Creating Wellness @ Work How to clean your way to a healthier office Today’s workplace feels primed for a wellness overhaul. Despite its celebrity trendiness, the wellness movement proves far more than super-fruit smoothies and 5-day cleansers. Instead, fostering wellness [...]

By |2017-06-28T00:15:14+00:00June 28, 2017|Cleaning Tips and Tricks, Environmental Quality, Newsletters|Comments Off on Creating Wellness at Work

Countdown to Zero Waste

Countdown to Zero Waste Is zero waste possible in the office? “Zero waste” has become the latest buzzword in sustainability, thanks to popular bloggers like Lauren Singer -- famous for reducing four years' worth of personal waste to fill a mason jar [...]

By |2017-02-23T23:54:02+00:00February 23, 2017|Green and Sustainable, Newsletters|Comments Off on Countdown to Zero Waste

Is your Dust Dangerous?

Is your Dust Dangerous? New research shows everyday dust could hide serious health concerns Whether clouding windows or tucked between computer keyboards, dust remains a constant challenge for any cleaning program. But does dust prove more than just an unsightly [...]

By |2016-10-07T18:42:34+00:00October 7, 2016|Cleaning Tips and Tricks, Commercial Cleaning Industry, Newsletters|Comments Off on Is your Dust Dangerous?

Not just a Welcome Mat: choosing the right floor mat for your office

Not just a Welcome Mat Three tips for choosing the right interior mat Interior mats can provide the perfect accent in a generic office space, injecting color and texture into the design scheme. But interior mats don't just look pretty; [...]

By |2024-05-02T00:30:03+00:00May 30, 2016|Newsletters|Comments Off on Not just a Welcome Mat: choosing the right floor mat for your office
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